South Shore PK-8

South Shore

Staff Directory

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South Shore ~ Attendance
Ali, Asia

Ali, Asia

5th Grade Teacher, 504 Building Coordinator

Alvarado, Sasha

IA - Ext. Resource, MS
Alvarado De Allan, Sandra I

Alvarado De Allan, Sandra I

Bilingual IA - Spanish
Apfel, Jennifer

Apfel, Jennifer

PE teacher
Asfaw, Nazret (Naz)

Asfaw, Nazret (Naz)

Student & Family Advocate, Homeless Program/McKinney Vento Program Building contact, Levy Coordinator
Terrell Baisy

Baisy, Terrell

IA - Ext. Resource, ES
Katherine Bedford

Bedford, Katherine

2nd Grade Teacher

Bernardino Gutierrez, Irma

IA - Pre K 1:1 (AM)

Campbell, Matthew

Occupational Therapist
Maddie Canty-Gill

Canty-Gill, Maddie

Special Education Teacher SPP+ Pre-K

Carrasco, Rachel

Counselor - Elementary

The Elementary School Counselor at South Shore works to nurture students in pre-school through 5th grade, and provide for them the necessary academic and life skills that will prepare them for successful citizenship at school and beyond. Counseling support is an essential part of education for students at all grade levels.

The counseling department addresses academic, social/emotional, and career exploration with all students. School counselors provide support as they collaborate with educators, families, and the community, to maximize every student’s potential. The counselor is committed to promoting a safe, welcoming environment where academics and healthy relationships are nurtured to promote lifelong learning and global citizenship.

Basic Services:

  1. Classroom Guidance Lessons: at every grade level focusing on skill development, communication, problem solving, friendship, college and career exploration, emotion management and more.
  2. Small Group Counseling: to expand, enrich, and reinforce specific skills in areas such as social skills, emotion management, navigating grief and loss, and school success.
  3. Individual Counseling: to address specific needs of individuals who may need additional support. This support is provided on a limited basis.

Additional Services:

  • Academic Problem Solving
  • Social Problem Solving with Peers
  • Connecting Families to Community and Mental Health Resources
  • Collaborating with Teachers
  • Collaborating with Families
  • Assisting with School Transitions
  • School-wide Social Emotional Learning


We utilize resources and curriculum from a variety of sources including:

How to Access Services:

Anyone can access or request services for a student if concerns arise. Those who typically refer students to the counselor are:

  • Families
  • Teachers
  • Administrators
  • Specialists
  • Students (self-refer)

How? Simply call or email with your concern.

Why might families contact the counselor?

There are many common challenges that students experience as they make their way through elementary school. Our counseling program aims to assist with these issues and to alleviate the struggle that kids undergo. The following are some reasons families might contact the counselor:

  • Difficulty making friends
  • New to South Shore
  • Academic concerns
  • Family changes (moving, death, divorce, etc.)
  • Home stress
  • Bullying
  • Resources or referrals to community agencies
  • To discuss special needs for your child
  • If you are homeless
  • Crisis
  • Behavior concerns

Emergency Contacts:

If you are in need of help and it is after school hours, please use the following resources:

Crisis Line: 206-461-3222

Suicide Prevention Lifeline: dial 988

Other Types of Assistance Such as Food, Shelter, Clothing, and Healthcare:

Dial: 211 or

Chavez, Jazmin

Chavez, Jazmin

Site Coordinator-Communities In Schools Seattle

CISS works to help students achieve success in school and in life. My role is to coordinate supports and services to help meet student’s academic and non-academic needs. 

Eric Cunningham

Cunningham, Eric

Social Studies Teacher (Middle School)
Wendy Cunningham-Winslow

Cunningham-Winslow, Wendy

Special Education Asst/ISE - 203/7
Dahlstrom, Mateo

Dahlstrom, Mateo

5th grade teacher

Davis, Renee

IA - Pre K
Bridget December

December, Bridget

3rd Grade Teacher
Claire DiJulio

DiJulio, Claire


Duale, Aisha

IA - Pre K Hourly