South Shore PK-8

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Sea Dragon Bulletin May 30, 2024

Good afternoon, South Shore families. It was great seeing folks last Thursday at the Community Resource Fair. Please join us again TONIGHT for Culture Night–an annual favorite event at South Shore. 5:30-7:30. Check out student identity projects, share and taste food from cultures in our school family, listen to great…
Graphic of a laptop and iPad

Device Collection

Device collection is scheduled for: 6/17 — iPads 6/18 — laptops All iPads and laptops will stay at school after these two days.

Community Bulletin May 23, 2024

Good afternoon, South Shore families! These are busy days at school, as we continue with state testing and navigate a whole bunch of year end special events–starting TONIGHT! You won’t want to miss the Community Resource Fair May 23, 5:00-7:00 PM in the front of the school where buses drop off.
Graphic of a newsletter

May 10 Community Bulletin

South Shore Community Bulletin Good afternoon, South Shore community, and an extra special greeting to the mothers and women in our lives who are caregiving. Happy Mother’s Day! We recognize that some will celebrate wholeheartedly this weekend, and that for others it can be a tender or difficult time. However…

Staff Appreciation Week

May 6th – May 10thSouth Shore! This week is Teacher Appreciation week! We want to celebrate you and all of your hard work you continue to do. With help from our PTSA, here’s what we have on the agenda. Thanks again, We appreciate you. H/Book/O Monday: Let’s kick off the…
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Community Bulletin May 3rd, 2024

Community Bulletin May 3rd, 2024 Middle School NewspaperSouth Shore PTSA Updates The sun is shining and growth is happening this Spring at South Shore. Field Trips, testing, and end of year celebration planning are in full swing. Next week is Teacher and…
Graphic of a newsletter

Community Bulletin April 26, 2024

Community Bulletin April 26, 2024 Middle School NewspaperSouth Shore PTSA Updates Good afternoon, South Shore. Just a quick reminder this afternoon about updates from Monday’s bulletin. May is Walk and Bike to School Month!  Tune up student bikes tomorrow, Saturday 4-27, at the Rainier…


Our 4th Annual Move-A-Thon has begun! April 22nd – MAY 3rd Enter your daily steps and see how far we’ve moved around the world!Use your pedometers to keep track of how far we have all traveled collectively during the Move a thon. Challenge your family and your teachers to input…
Graphic of a newsletter

April 22 Community Bulletin

April 22 South Shore Community Bulletin Good afternoon, South Shore. Happy Earth Day, and for those who observe it, Happy Passover. Last Friday was full and exciting on campus, with the kick off of our collaborative PTSA Spring Fundraiser, Move-a-thon, an assembly and reception to…

Library Name Dedication on April 19!

April 19, 2024 9:00 – 9:20 Mr. H. commences program Moment of Silence Middle School Emcee introduces Mary T. Henry Mrs. Henry makes her remarks Mr. E. speaks about importance of libraries and libraians Mr. E. and Emcee unveil signage and portrait with “Drum Line” drum roll Applause for the…