Summer Office Hours and 2024-25 Start of School Info
Posted on: June 21, 2024

Summer and Start of School News
Summer Office Hours
Our school office is closed during July and August. We will be available for families starting August 26. Voicemail box is not monitored over the summer. Please use email instead
First Day of School 2024-25
- First Day of School for 1st-8th Grade: Wednesday, Sept. 4, 8:55 a.m.-3:25 p.m. dismissal
- all other Wednesdays will dismiss at 2:10, but the first day is a full day
- First Day for PreK and Kindergarten Students: Monday, Sept. 9, 8:55 a.m.-3:25 p.m. dismissal
When will I hear from my child’s teacher?
Classroom and Teacher assignments will not be available until September. Your child’s teacher will reach out by phone or email before the first day of school.
Medication Reminder
If your child will need medicine at school, contact Nurse Hilary before the first day of school:
Back to School Event
Please hold Thursday, Aug. 29, 4-6 p.m. for a fun event for the South Shore community. Students will learn who their teachers are and 6th graders will have a brief orientation for middle school.