South Shore PK-8

South Shore


March 31st to April 11th 2025

Empowering 17 SE Seattle Schools

Move-A-Thon (March 31 – April 11)

South Shore is excited to once again partner with the Southeast Seattle Fundraising Alliance (SESSFA) to fundraise for our Move-A-Thon!

🏃 How We Are Participating:

  1. Move-A-Thon Packets: Each student will receive a Move-A-Thon packet. Packets will be placed in teacher mailboxes and distributed to students on Friday, March 28.
  2. Move-A-Thon Event – April 4: During PE periods, students will participate in movement activities.
  3. Fundraising: Most donations will be collected online. Any cash or check donations should be placed in the PTSA mailbox in the office.

You can go to the website anytime to donate, provide business sponsorship or learn more about how we are working with other schools. For questions, or if you would like to volunteer on move-a-thon day, please contact Amy Epp at